What do you see? Is it real? Or in your mind? Can you stop what is inside you building since you were born? YOU CANT GET SOMETHING THAT IS IN YOUR DREAMS OR CAN YOU? IN DREAM UNIVERSE ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN AS LONG AS HE LETS YOU........
Take control of four kids named Jack, Seth, Steve, Jessie. Each has there own unique abilities to solve puzzles and advance in the dream universe but be careful everything you do comes with a price......
Old school handdrawn graphics to take you back to the past.
10 different endings
Customise different characters abilitys for your liking
Lots of fun side missions which all give you something important
A hidden lore that you the player will need to find
Transformation ability: be able to transform into different things with its own abilitys
Change the world around you with dream draw to solve unique puzzles and boss fights
Classic rpg element's (duh)
When is the game coming out? Me and my team dont know yet
Android and IOS version? Yes
Beta testing? Friends will be able to also will be giving some out.........
What platforms for sure Pc, Android, Ios.
What platforms might it be on ps4 xbox one 3ds and NX/wii u THESE ARE NOT GUARANTEED BUT WE WILL TRY
If you have any more questions go ahead and ask :)
Beta testers Brandon 506042 Bonnie fazgaming youtubers will be decided
Jacob Barnett: developer, programer, sound design, ideas
Julius Webber: programer, ideas,Drawing, sound design
Eric Vann: programer, sound design, ideas, Drawing
Brandon506042:programer, sound design, ideas, Drawing, bug fixer
There will be more as the game goes along