
Comments (1)

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It's metal guys, no fur means this game isn't for furries.

After the events of Jay's: Grand Closing, the short-lived franchise was shut down. Most of the robots were scrapped, except for the ones from the first location. Jay decided to have them auctioned off and the highest bidder was a man by the name of Donald WcRonald, professional clow, businessman, and owner of WcDonalds. With a bit of retrofitting and repairs, the bunnies were back in action along with a few friends. But Theo wasn't happy with being stuck working for another shitty boss in a low-quality restaurant with terrible pay. So he decided to take matters into his own hands.... by killing the guard because he has the keys to get out of the building. There's also a sub plot but i'm not telling ;)

Sequel to Jay's: Grand Closing #fangame #horror #scifi #bigmacwithbacon #fnaf

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor

Jay's 1 & 2 will most likely be finished by 2025. not gonna specify when because I procrastinate a lot and im horrible with deadlines. (kinda why j-tale's not done yet)

holy shidd it's the birb :O


despite any thicc robots seen, this isn't "that" type of game. This mature rating is due to the amount of gore and swearing that'll be present in the final product.

just wanna point that out rq

huh... she is da spooky... O_o

3d modeling is hard, but....

yeah nevermind I have nothing good to say about it