
Comments (1)

What do you think?

I suck at development :D

So, as from the description from Scratch, ahem... "This is an interactive game where someones soul gets sucked in some kind of robot, the instructions will come to your brain or the game will tell you." Not the best advice, but eh. #horror #action #adventure

Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

You know what the ridiculous thing is? I am stuck at that 1 thing where you need to choose a path, and I am too lazy to do something about it. I JUST NEED TO DO SOME THINGS! WHY AM I LIKE THIS?!

Uneven triangle face go brrrr

triangle man gets spooked

I give up, the variables will stay.

Why the hell do I still publish overwhelmingly early access games here.

Trying to make variables go shoo.