Game Community
The Return to Powerpuff Girls Fan Community (OFFICIAL)
14 Members

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What do you think?

for some reason i am not a fan of the main character design

it's 2024


The Return to Powerpuff Girls (2022 version)

Version: 0.1.2over 2 years ago
NOTE: This version is the game when it first released in 2022, I didn't really like this version because it had bad designs, alot of bugs, and other stuff so I would recommend playing 2.0 since it has new stuff that wasn't in this version and it contains less bugs than this version had

This game is a revival/remake/recreation of the first game of Babsicoot's "Five Nights at Powerpuff Girls" series that was made way back in 2016-2021, I wanted to make this game because since I kinda liked playing the series before I decided to make this and also since I kinda wanted to add more to the story

If you would like to check out the second part of this series, click this link:


One day, you as a nightguard named Maddie Stevenson, is assigned a task to revisit the second location of the place known as Rowdyruff Boys Entertainment, that was made for the Powerpuff Girl mascots, called Powerpuff Family Pizza that was abandoned after the workers had problems with the mascots. You will need to watch over the place to make sure its safe enough for reopening. But there's a twist that was confirmed by one of the managers of your company, the place is still not safe after 30 years from the past incident that happened before. So, you must defend yourself for 5 nights from the deadly, old, and abandoned Powerpuff Girl mascots, and more that might be in the building with them, and also try not to get attacked by anyone that roams in the building. Will you be able to make it out alive or not?


100% (Getting remade soon)


@Babsicoot for the "Five Nights at Powerpuff Girls" series, which i got inspired by.

@realscawthon for "Five Nights at Freddy's", these fangames would not even exist if it wasn't for him.

@TylerAhlstrom for the "The Return to Freddy's" series, which I also got inspired by.

@FNARRB1234 for helping me design the characters in the game, and also for being one of the beta testers. and YouTube for the music/sound effects in the game.

(Currently has no voice actor at the moment) for being the voice actor of Rusty Blossom.

(Currently has no voice actor at the moment) for being the voice actor of Rusty Bubbles.

(Currently has no voice actor at the moment) for being the voice actor of Rusty Buttercup.

(Currently has no voice actor at the moment) for being the voice actor of Rusty Bunny.

(Currently has no voice actor at the moment) for being the voice actor of Balloon Robin.

(Currently has no voice actor at the moment) for being the voice actor of Phantom Brick.

(Currently has no voice actor at the moment) for being the voice actor of Phantom Butch.

(Currently has no voice actor at the moment) for being the voice actor of Phantom Boomer.

(Currently has no voice actor at the moment) for being the voice actor of the phone person.

@ShawnGames for being one of the beta testers of the game.

@OlegFazbearYT for being one of the beta testers of the game.

@BubbledDEV for being one of the beta testers of the game.

@BostonWilliams for being one of the beta testers of the game.

and finally...

Cartoon Network and Craig McCracken for creating Powerpuff Girls.


#fangame #fnaf #horror #survival #powerpuffgirls

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

TRTPPG1 progress: Night 3 is almost complete, I have to only do Phantom Brick's AI and then I will start on Night 4

(I am still trying to figure out what will happen if you get jumpscared by one of the phantoms)

I was thinking about making some teasers for the TRTPPG games just to hype up the people following the game and also so the game page wont be dead.

After a long break, I have decided to start back working on TRTPPG1 (I got motivation again to work on it)

This week and next week I plan to try and finish working on Night 3 so I can get to Night 4 and then 5

Note about the development of TRTPPG1 (PLEASE READ)

TRTPPG1 progress: Night 3 is almost done, I only have to do Rusty Bunny's AI and Phantom Brick's AI

(To be honest the phantom RRB's AI are the hardest to code so thats why I saved Phantom Brick to do after Rusty Blossom and Rusty Bunny)

TRTPPG1 is back in development, I moved the stuff in the office a little bit and added a panel for buttons that you have to use for the robots that show up in Night 3. My plan is to try and get Nights 3 and 4 done before August

TRTPPG1 is gonna be on hold for a few days because I am working on a remaster for a project on Scratch that I worked on before I started working on TRTPPG, I may still work on the game but it will be very slow until my other project is done

Features that may be in/changed for the full version of TRTPPG1 continued

- New Rusty Buttercup design (her design in the demo looks like trash)

and if you want to

Read the spoiler if you want to know why I replaced Custom Night

Features that may be in/changed for the full version of TRTPPG1

- After night cutscenes (reason why it was not in demo was bc i did not make them yet)

- New jumpscare sound (i feel like the demo jumpscare sound is not good enough)

TRTPPG1 Demo V1.4 Bug fix and a change

- Fixed bug where if you had on mask for the robots in Night 2 they would still jumpscare you

- Made power to not go down too fast in Night 2

This is the final version, any bugs left behind will be fixed in full game