
Comments (5)

What do you think?

i was thinking why my favorite game is not remastered and when i was thinking i found thid crystal legend and WE NEED A MOD MENU SO WE CAN MAKE IT MORE HARDER AND TRIPLICATE BLUEZOTS

Is that so? The help file was very messy to read so I didn't read it much. It was probably the font. As for the bumping back, it didn't happen enough for me to see the arrows properly, plus if I get bumped back then I could be bumped into a pursuing zot. Also the bumping back doesn't happen when I turn to face a door, which is how I find a door most of the time.

Great game (◕ヮ◕) 5/5

Great! Always wanted to see a remake of this game! I like how you got the stop by bringing up the map thing too! I kinda wish you'd snap well so you don't need to strobe left and right, and have the emergency teleport back. Also, the doors are kinda hard to see when you've hit them up close and you always gotta back track a bit to make sure the doors aren't double down, which could be dangerous if you're being chased. The multiple zot sounds got taken care of. I miss the original "building level" sounds. Overall, good though, and a classic that people need to play.


Tunnel Runner Redux

Version: 1.3.0almost 7 years ago

â–º Download and rate on Google Play!

Get a move on, Tunnel Runner! In this game, you don't look DOWN on the maze, you're in it.

Your objective is simple: escape from the maze. To do so, you must grab the Key hidden somewhere in the maze, and then find the exit of the maze, all of this while avoiding the maze monsters: the zots.
If you get caught by a zot, you'll lose a life; if you run out of lives, it's Game Over!
All you have is a map, and your tunnel running abilities. Also there's plenty of doors in the maze but who knows if they'll be helpful or not?


Tunnel Runner Redux is a remake of the game Tunnel Runner (for the Atari 2600) designed to be played on PC and on Android phones with a touch screen.

Use the arrow keys to move around, and the space bar to show the map!
You can also use the Q and E keys to turn around and the WASD keys to walk/strafe. Enable the on-screen buttons through the OPTIONS menu.
Please read the in-game HELP section for more info!

I made this game because I wanted to play a game like this on my phone, and the original one seemed lacking. Also just to see if I could pull a pseudo-raycaster engine using Clickteam Fusion's vanilla Android Exporter that was quick enough to be playable. And welp, I did it sorta and now I'm sharing it because the game's fun I suppose~


  • Gameplay faithful to the original game! Down to the bugs!
    Also features brand new bugs not present in the original game!

  • STEREO SOUND! Hear the zots coming at you from any direction!

  • Three game modes which are exactly the same but with different mazes!
    Classic GAME1 (Predefined generated mazes) and GAME2 (Random mazes every time you play) modes, and introducing a new GAME3 mode, which allows for further customization of the generated mazes such as changing the size, the amount of doors or extra corridors, even the starting run level if you feel like quickly taking a challenge!

  • Help section! With Pictures!
    It covers all the basic stuff as well as some hints and tips for advanced players, along with additional information regarding GAME3 and the OPTIONS menu. You should definitely check it out.

  • Enhanced graphics, sounds, and Zots!
    And the red one has a cute bow!

  • Intro music!

  • An option to disable the intro music!

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!