
Comments (1,908)

What do you think?

thanks for glitchy asf fight with monster kid

to be honest i want online race too

Somthing creepy happened in this when i was going with toriel my game closed and then it reopended with this strange face on it then when it closed a second time i opened it again to be in a weird version of the ruins with fire and 01's

Can you add custom skins? like, make your own character, vehicle, and stuff?

Undertale meets OG Super Mario Kart. That's what you get with Underracer, and it's so flippin' glorious.

Graphics and music are a blissful mix between the two games, with an open-world overworld resemblant of Diddy Kong Racing.

Granted, the controls aren't exactly like Super Mario Kart, with Right Trigger to accellerate and Left Trigger to reverse, but it plays close enough to the original game that old school kart racer fans will love the hell out of it. Here's to hoping we get the Super Mario Kart hopping/drifting mechanics!

Can't wait to see where this goes! Keep up the good work!

DISCLAIMER: This game is still in early development, so it might occur your favourite character, area or item is not in the game yet. We still have a lot of content to implement, so stay tuned for updates!

Choose your favourite character and your favourite area, and race alone, against bots or against friends! Or delve into the campaign to get some sweet story along with your racing experience!

UnderRacer is a mashup racing game between Undertale and Super Mario Kart, with elements of Lego Racers 2. It is developed by an enthusiastic team of fans, and is made in Game Maker 8, the same engine Toby Fox used to make the Undertale Demo.

Current planned content:

  • Campaign mode; A sandbox-styled story mode with plenty of races.

  • Free Race; A Free Race gamemode with a lot of tracks based on different regions in Undertale. You can either play alone, against bots or against friends.

  • Multiplayer; The game is planned to include a 2-player splitscreen mode and a 6-player server based mode.

  • Keyboard or Controller; Choose to race with either your keyboard or a Windows-supported controller.

  • Spriting; All sprites are based on the art style used in Undertale.

  • Original Soundtrack; The soundtrack is based on the Undertale soundtrack, and our composers are doing a fine job at trying to make the tracks sound familiar but original, and most of all fitting to the gameplay!

  • AU involvement; Some people are going to like this, and some people are going to hate this, but there will be AU characters in the character roster. Also, it's possible that we will see AU characters in the Campaign mode.

Want to contact us?
underracerdev at gmail dot com
(I'm not here to make your lives easy, pals)

There are currently three users that read up on bugs that you tell us in the comments. So, you're talking to a team member when talking to:

  • TheGravyNator

  • Brawlitup99

  • Doktor Luke

Undertale is copyrighted by Toby Fox.

A few quick links to our Reddit posts:
Public release:
Join the Team:


  • DoktorLuke: Creator, Lead coder

  • TheGravyNator: Team lead, Artist, Level designer, Playtester

  • BrawlersInTheZone: Lead artist, Writer

  • FunnyStuf: Artist, Writer

  • BonnieMuffins: Artist, Playtester, Level designer

  • Crash: Artist, Writer, Playtester

  • Steph. J.M.: Composer

  • RickyG: Coder

  • Brownie: Writer

  • SuxMenner: Spriter

  • Luigiman0640: Coder

  • Starman164: Coder

  • Nina-NintyRobo: Artist

  • SkullyYoku: Spriter

  • Draex: Spriter

  • Seruptor: Playtester

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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