Comments (19)
I thought this seemed very familiar! Glad to be playing the original game. Sorry you had to go through getting it stolen like that, I suppose it's flattery in a way (not that it's any compensation of course).
Vagabonds are the enemy faction in Hard Truck Apocalypse xD
Man this guy, pfft, it's sad...Zeuzio, explain to me how in "your game", there are no key skills, in comparison to Aura Tome, why the name is Vagabond, which makes no sense, when the entirety of the game is about Tome's, hint hint, "Aura Tome".
It is very clear this was a rushed product that was pushed out there faster in order to be posted faster than Nighthawk.
Based on a disagreement, you claiming this game to be your own is an embarrassment to everyone who knows the truth. One day you will realize that you can't steal from people without disregard and when that day comes, your in for a treat my friend.
Good game, pity it's short (would've given 5 star otherwise)
Formerly known as Aura Tome.
Took me forever to find this due to temporal issues.
Sadly completed at this point, as improvements can always be made.
Still a great game. :-)
*A lone wanderer,
A curiously protective monster,
And a mysterious land caught in the clutches of darkness.*
In Vagabond, you control a young member of the Adventurer's Guild who often travels far beyond what is considered, well, reasonable. This time, our hero has stumbled upon a land called Granti, which is home to seven unique "Zones" that each have different characteristics and creatures wandering about. Granti is not your average ordinary land, though, as it is cursed. To return home, the "vagabond" must navigate through each zone to defeat a powerful monster in each one. The journey doesn't have to be made alone, however.
Accompanying our hero is a curious monster who shows a strange affection to people. This monster, who is at first just a lowly slime, can change its form throughout the course of the journey with the help of a few sages scattered across the land. But, will the vagabond and the monster be strong enough to defeat all of the fiends and save Granti from its impending doom? Only you can decide.
Challenging battles that are initiated by enemy touch on the overworld. Sometimes the smart thing is to avoid them when you can!
Open-ended, non-linear gameplay where you can explore almost any zone not too long after the starting point.
A heavy focus on exploration. Even more so than battles, exploration is the most rewarding aspect of this game.
An "Augment" system where you can "equip" spells and other effects to use in battle, but at the cost of certain stats.
Non-traditional growth mechanics! These involve using special stones that you can buy from the menu and fighting optional bosses to grow stronger and learn new skills.
Transform your monster! At certain points throughout the game(if you can find them), you can choose certain options that will transform your loyal pet into different forms as well as grant some special effects to it. There will be over 40 different kinds of possible monsters that your beast can transform into.
Developer's Note:
If this game looks familiar, it's probably because my game was stolen some time ago and uploaded on this site with a different name. For more information about it, read this news post:
Development and Story:
Levi Adams (Zeuzio)
Yanfly, of course, for the following scripts:
Ace Core Engine
Ace Menu System
Ace Equip System
Also Elise_Chan(from RMW) for the Easy TP Access Script.
LordBagardo **
Other Graphics
needles**** from the RPG Maker official forums for a much better looking edit of the RTP Forest Tile.****