Venus Landing
Mars Landing DLC
Venus Landing is an adventure type and click video game where the player is in control of the spaceship throughout the whole journey to distant planets. Each chapter has a different objective such as Research and Development of Solar System resources, Battle for territory against other space travelers, Rail Bridge transportation exploration and near Teleportation racing.
The first release is a demo of one chapter of the Venus Landing game.
Player 1 Start Descent: Enter
Player 1 Left: A
Player 1 Right: D
Player 1 Quit: Q
Pause / Unpause: Spacebar
Made by: Vincent Tulleners
Copyright Vincent Tulleners © 2022 - 2024
Music by: @Snabisch
System Requirements:
Operating System - Windows 7/8/10/11 or above, Ubuntu 13.0 or above, Mac OS X 10.7.3 (Lion) or above
Hard Disk Space: 45 MB, (54 MB DLC)
RAM: 512MB
Graphics Card: Software emulated or Internal Graphics
Software Dependencies: Java Runtime Environment 8 (JRE) or above
How to install:
Move the application "jar" file to a preferred location on disk.
How to run:
Double click the "Venus_Lander_v1_0_0.jar" or Venus_Landing_Mars_DLC.jar file. The "jar" file will have a filename that matches your downloaded version.
Problem: Game does not start.
Solution: JRE 8 is not installed. Install JRE 8 or above.