
Comments (90)

What do you think?

Hello, I want to tell you that your game viola, it looks great, it continues like this, but I don't know why it won't let me download it.

que pedo con el nombre

tem português?

e brasileiro

I saw the trailer, and instantly felt the potential of this project! I'm looking forward to playing it on my channel once it's released!!!


Viola: The Heroine's Melody Demo

Version: 0.150.0about 4 years ago
A free demo for Viola: The Heroine's Melody, containing the first two levels. Enjoy!

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

Get Viola: The Heroine's Melody on Steam!

After failing at violin practice for the hundredth time, Viola gets trapped inside her instrument's fantastical world. She's joined by a set of strange, colorful friends, as she journeys through the lands of magic, monsters and music... Searching for her way back home.


  • Play as the young Viola, who is trapped inside the fantasy world of a magic violin.

  • Create your own party from a colorful cast of 10+ characters!

  • Platforming and RPG battles seamlessly combined in a beautiful pixel art package.

  • Play musical instruments to unlock passages, secrets, and more!

  • A humorous and emotional story about learning to love yourself.

  • A labor of love made entirely by a single person!

#rpg #platformer #adventure #retro #pixelart #music


A Love Letter to JRPGs

Viola: The Heroine's Melody pulls inspiration from many classic JRPGs. Lufia, the Mario & Luigi series, Final Fantasy, and even modern indie takes on the genre such as Undertale and Lisa. Turn-based battles, a ton of recruitable characters, and a personal story to sink your teeth into: Viola has all of this and more. However, Viola is not a passive RPG. Attacks require the player to time their button taps, and to unleash spells you'll have to follow a series of rhythm game-esque inputs.


Exploration Made Fun Again

On top of being an RPG, Viola: The Heroine's Melody is a side-scrolling platformer! With walljumps and triple jumps, springs and cannons, you can explore each level and uncover every little secret. Find more potions, or gems to equip and customize each character's stats! And don't worry about random encounters: each monster is visible in the level. Don't feel like fighting? Just jump around and find another path!


Raise the Bar

Music is key to Viola. Every character in your party has their own instrument, and they'll eagerly play along with the songs you learn along your journey. All the songs have their own magical effect, like summoning a bird, creating a magical campfire, unlocking secret pathways... If you've ever played a Zelda game, you'll feel right at home.


Learn to Love Yourself

Viola: The Heroine's Melody is about Viola's journey. It's one of strange characters, powerful monsters, fantastical locations and plenty of laughs. But Viola's journey isn't just about going home: it's also about learning. That it's okay not to be perfect. That it's okay to grieve. That you deserve love, and that sometimes that love starts with learning to love yourself.


Like a Rainbow with Gold at Both Ends

Many people are unable to see themselves in the things they watch, read or play. Viola is filled with characters of all kinds: different colors, different loves, different ideals. If you've ever felt out of place, and like you couldn't connect with the characters you've seen before, Viola is for you.


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Language

Momo's a unique character in Viola: she's quick and nimble, and specializes in delivering buffs and debuffs.

Fire slimes in the front, speedy lizards in the back, and a defensive powerhouse in the middle. How would you deal with this battle?

Viola: The Heroine's Melody gets her 1.0 release ONE WEEK from now: on February 17th!

Get the full version on Steam:


The cave beyond Harpie Village is filled with shiny things.

Viola's going to space!

The first prototype level for Viola. This was before I added the triple jump... Now Viola can clear this level with ease.

Not as big as the Wood Eater, but the Dark Eater featured in Justice's sidequest is no joke.

Emerald and Justice get to enjoy their new attack animations!

Soleil can bring down the full might of the sun...! On two small slimes?

Don't forget to come back to this shrine after collecting all the gem shards!