
Friday Night Funkin Vs Mouse V2.6 REBOOTED V2
Friday Night Funkin Vs Mouse V2.6 REBOOTED V3
Here Updates:
new 5 songs in minigames
disk 1:welcome,revenge,repentance,crisis,crazy edit:welcome is pumkin remake
disk 2:interference,nightmares,musophobia,hungry,labrat
disk 3:misery,suicide,happy ride,insanity psychosis
classic mode:disk 1,2 and 3 is already same in original 2.6 v2.
minigames:Most of the minigames are the same as they were in original 2.6 v2 ,so only the new ones will be here:welcome old remix,ugh but mouse sings it,repentance (2.0),repentance nt,welcome resastered
fix:if welcome not starting ,press 7 then press enter next press enter then leave charting mode and it worked
new character:2.0 markus redux and bf disk 2
new icon for bf disk 1,mendax and markus family guy
my 7 new charted songs:welcome reshipped,welcome 2.1,interference new,interference remix,vehement teaser,welcome-dev and magic-remake
new difficulty:master
V2.6 V3:
remastered character:markus.exe,doggy mouse,markus.exe 8bits
reamastered song: doggydogus
encore song:You cant run
all story and classic modes are in minigame WOOOOOO!!!1!!1!!!
new character:2.0 markus repentance redux,mick,Markus.exe mad and redemption mortimer
remastered icons:markus.exe,doggy mouse,markus.exe 8 bit,markus.exe mad,mortimer,mortimer 2,mortimer 3
new song:revnege irl,despair and redemption
new icon:mick and redemption mortimer
combo rating redraws because original one is too bad
added more screen loading:welcome back,you cant run,clubhouse-beta and abandoned
new name fnf vs mouse 2.6 rebooted
joke song:6x3
new stuff:rating,custom HUD and more
upcoming anniversary:
new week:disk 4
new song of disk 4:Lies,Fake-Legacy,Athopofanophobia
upcoming disk 4 characters
upcoming disk 4 icons
edited UI
removal:custom HUD because edited UI
ported to psych engine 0.6.3
new song :triple trouble
gamebanana availaable(anniversary update)WIP:https://gamebanana.com/wips/73343
#fnf #vsmouse #fnfvsmouse #vsmouse26 #fnfvsmouseupdate#release