
(DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT AN ACTUAL GAME!!! it's just a place for me to trashpost without cluttering the main page :D)

CODECPOSTING is where I rant and rave about my obsessions and random encounters. Think of it as an alt account, but more accessible. If you really want to get to know me better, follow this page 🔥🔥🔥

(P.S. yes, this is family friendly just like the main page. you're welcome :D)


what's up ladies and germs


my IRL friend @DistractionsDaily is gonna "finish" his "game"

so uh

"show" him some "love"

omg I hated typing every letter of this post

OHHHH they're coming from cafe dot

makes sense

oh btw I beat rayman legends, bought it on switch last week but

the ending was unsatisfactory :(

i prefer origins'

don't mind me just laughing hysterically at the rayman origins ending

i don't need professional help at all


the cashier watching me return all of my active bottoms because they didn't move an inch (they're called active bottoms for a reason)

Still can't believe this tbh

Ty guys so much!!! <333333333333

hot take: roleplaying is good when it actually produces a good story (this is rare but totally worth it imo)

seriously it's like a whole army of pixel artists joined gamejolt at the exact same time

and 90% of them are already creators too

hey so why have so many people been coming here from other sites lately

like did something happen or what 😭

I be out here learning how to talk to people and this random leader I'm friends with keeps saying the most random things to see how I react (I don't have a pre-programmed response)