Comments (12)
This is rather nice. It was actually rather easy to figure out what was going on by the third try, even without the instructions.
You might want to make the objective timer more prominent than the current run timer though.
Really nice game. I included it in part 3 of my Indie Quilt compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/HHRu2NeqAC8
Great game! Great graphics! I can't wait to master it.
I'm addicted so far. When am I going to lose hours of my day playing this game? Definitely plays smooth.
Great style! It runs smooth, looks smooth, and plays out smooth. Great game, mate!
Zymo 2014
Zymo - Win (beta)
Zymo is a runner-style action game.
Please read on for information about controls, health management, time bonuses and overcoming the basic obstacles in the game. Also note that this is a development build and may contain bugs. Let me know if you have any problems. Thanks.
Please note that you may be presented with a "Loading" box when loading a level on your first playthrough. This is because the download is still processing in the background from the server. Please be patient while the download completes. Thank you.
Escape Zymo by reaching the exit before your timer expires and the K1A drones hunt you.
[ WASD ] to move
[ Mouse ] to look
[ F or middle mouse button ] to interact (eg. pickup items, open doors)
EXTRA CONTROLS (Optional; not required to complete the game)
[ Left Shift ] to walk/rest
[ C ] to crouch/rest
[ Space ] to jump
[ P ] to pause game
[ ~ ] to change key bindings
[ F1 ] displays in-game menu
[ Tab ] selects targets in scanner
[ X ] to self-destruct
[ M ] to show/hide HUD messages
[ > ? ] to zoom HUD scanner display
[ : " ] to zoom HUD scanner icons
[ { } ] to change HUD scanner max range displayed
[ Escape ] to enter HUD mode (eg. to click on scanner targets)
Your health must be managed during the run, and deteriorates as your heart rate increases. You start the level in a heightened state of alert (ie. full of adrenalin and ready to run), so your heart rate is increasing and your overall health is degrading.
Rest by walking [ Left Shift ] or crouching [ C ] to regenerate your health and normalise your heart rate. You can also rest to quickly recover from damage.
Find Beta Blockers to receive an immediate health boost and normalise your heart rate, resulting in less resting being required.
After exiting the entry room your countdown timer will automatically begin. Reach the exit before your timer expires to successfully complete the challenge.
Find Time Bonuses to extend your countdown timer. Green bonuses will generally reward you with larger time extensions.
Occasionally you'll be presented with a locked gate.
Search and collect [ F to pick up ] the Orb Key from the nearby sector and return it to the Gate.
Unlock the Gate Lock [ F to interact ] and continue through the level.
Modify the game parameters using the main menu. Note that there is also an in-game menu for setting other options.
Change Difficulty to alter the frequency of bonuses and enemies scattered throughout the level.
Change Path Length to alter the approximate distance to the exit. The procedural generator uses this value as a hint when creating the level.
Toggle Permadeath to enable/disable dying. When disabled, you'll only suffer a brief black out, and regain consciousness quickly so you can continue your run.
Enter a custom Seed Value to initialise the level generator with a unique key. Reuse the same seed to replay a custom level.
Click the [ Indie Quilt Setup ] button to initialise the options for the Indie Quilt Game Jam. This just selects options to generate a short 30 second level with one sector and an appropriate starting time.
Designed & Developed by Carmine Fantarella at Games Of Edan
Music by Invisible Acropolis
Made as part of the #IndieQuilt charity game jam. Zymo has been adapted from a single level in our game Zygote (currently in development). More info on Zygote is available at http://www.gamesofedan.com/zygote
Please enjoy.