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Alpha 0.1.0 -basic player controls-Point and click movement-basic attack -simple collisions-Basic enemy sprites with simple health -few stats like Hp, Energy, and coin count. Check out the first Caverns if you haven't played it yet
TheHey guys I've made a new game about cave exploration! Fight cave beasts and find collectables! Free to play! Tell me that you think!
Explore deep into the caves and free the deep of its monsters!
Collect coins to upgrade your attacks and more health!
Check out cavers and play it free!
Hello my name is Cameron, I have a game alled Missile Escape, I'm looking to get played and reviewed. It's an action shooter with a couple of game modes. Let me know what you think!
Hello my name is Cameron, I have a game alled Missile Escape,I'm looking to get played and reviewed. It's an action shooter with a couple of game modes. Let me know what you think!
player can move around and attack with all 3 elements
the boss can attack the player and move as well Both player and boss can die after health reaches "0" and continues to respective frame
I'm ready to play more of my new game Caverns! Just released and loving it!
#newyearnewgames #platformer #action
Run, jump, and blast your way through the deep caves and find the treasures along with the beasts who dwell there!