Change Log:

Added moving directional arrows that show you the entrances/exits you can go to on a map.

Shortened and improved the intro again and polished many more maps and cutscenes.

Finished the jailhouse and added more characters to the museum and Chinese restaurant.

Lowered Valiant’s attack stats some to balance combat a bit more.
Progress Update
Improving the demo isn’t all I’ve done though, for the past few days I’ve been working on a new main story quest that mainly takes place in Isla Islands.
Here’s a look at what I’ve got done so far:

I haven’t added very many NPCs to the maps in Isla Islands yet, as I am still deciding what I want the general vibe of the area to look like.
In this quest and throughout this chapter, you’ll get to learn more about Walter, one of the main antagonists of the game, and eventually make an important story decision involving him.

In this quest, you’ll also get to meet (and stop) a secondary antagonist known as Midas, one of Walter’s right hand men that can turn things into gold by touching them.

That’s all I have for now. I’ve just got one or two more updates to make to the demo and then I can completely focus on parts of the game that come after the demo. Around the time that happens, I should have plenty of time on my hands without much to distract me from working on the game like I have for the past few months, so hopefully (fingers crossed) I’ll get done with it pretty soon after that.