Sorry it took so long for me to post any kind of update, my computer died two times and it took a few months to get it fixed both times and I've been pretty busy with work and other stuff so I haven't had much time to work on the game for a while. As a way of apologizing, I decided to add the quest in Isla Islands I talked about in the last update so you can play it and see what the world's like after where we left off at the end of the original demo.
Change Log:

Changed the color scheme of the directional entrance/exit arrows to better suit Hellboy's original color scheme.

Fleshed out more of the world and added Isla Islands as a playable/accessible area in the demo.
Added some more easter eggs and references.
Added some more flashback scenes in the form of dreams Hellboy has at the end of some nights.
Gave the computer in Hellboy's apartment an actual purpose, letting you "watch" daily news clips as a neat little way to add more worldbuilding.
Balanced and improved Combat.
Polished/improved more maps.
Added Mac and Linux Versions.
After this update, I should pretty much be done polishing everything that needed to be polished so far, so that means I can start spending a lot more time working on what's next instead of what's already there.