Just uploaded the 0.3 Release of Dungeon Rally! Was a good week for development. New features include:
Victory! The game started out endless; I decided it would be more fun to have a way to “win”. Endless is still important to me, and it will be making a return. The current plan is to have different episodes, and beating an episode will unlock new content in endless mode.
Save/resume. I realized that the game was getting a bit long for quick play sessions, so I implemented a save/resume feature
High scores: Every “score chaser” game needs highscores. Currently, high scores are per episode (only one episode for now). Later, there will be scores for Endless mode as well
Rallying: Collecting multiple heroes in a chain increases the total power of that chain. Previously, power only came from the current hero and current weapon. Now, you’ll get a bonus for each hero included in the chain. This should make it simpler to kill the more powerful creatures
The dreaded Necromancer: Rare enemy that summons zombies at the end of each turn. Kill him quickly!
I’ve also finalized the tiles that will be included in the first episode “A Grave Situation (get it?! :P) but need to implement them. The plan is to have 4 unique heroes, 4 unique weapons, and 4 unique items per episosde. The endless mode will randomly pick from all available tiles for the merchant to sell you between rounds.
If you try it out, please post your comments! You can follow the development on Twitter @slothwerks