Forest of Freedom
3 years ago

0.3 Update: Holding Middle Mouse Button while holding an object in your hand allows for rotating it, added proper Trees.

#retro #indie #forest #crafting



Next up

A new build will be going up shortly with a load of new features, including a building system, the ability to eat and grab objects! Install 0.2! #indie #forest #survival #lowpoly #sandbox #chill #nature #cartoon #adventure #survival #building #minecraft

Improved the Visuals once again, you might be able to find some interesting new things aswell once you play... #indie #forest #survival #lowpoly #sandbox #chill #nature #cartoon #adventure #survival #building #minecraft

I've begun work on remaking the entire game in Unity 2021, because of this, I will be able to fix several bugs found in older versions and hopefully increase performance. #indie #forest #survival #retro #sandbox

Added some SFX and Music, also redid grabbing & interaction system and fixed some bugs :) #indie #forest #survival #lowpoly #sandbox #chill #nature #cartoon #adventure #survival #building #minecraft

Procedural Map Generation and Game Savign is back on the table! 1.0 Road to Gameplay is now out!

Have fun as always!

#indie #forest #survival #lowpoly #sandbox #chill #nature #cartoon #adventure #survival #minecraft
