Five Nights with Mac Tonight 2
9 months ago

0.4.1 Update Released


  • HamBurglar Duplication: Added a new piece of code that should prevent HamBurglar being visible at multiple vent entries, If it continues, please do let me know.

  • Windowed and Fullscreen now dependant on Maximize Button on the Application Tab (Alt+Enter if you want to get out of Windowed)


  • Alarm Sound Effect now changed

  • Default Clickteam icon now changed with proper game icon

  • "Fullscreen" toggle now removed from the options screen following new changes.

  • Former "Photo Negative Mickey" name credits now updated to modern name ("Malrat_")



Next up

So as you may know, the Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Movie now has a poster, and someone released a funny template to add our own characters, so here's some silly edits

Old and the New

Happy 9 Years to my first ever render I've uploaded!

And here he is it's... SPEEDEE!!!

A Wild Hamburglar has appeared at a local McDonald's! Happy 50th McDonald's



It's that TIME AGAIN

Case: Treasure Island