New tilesets
New boss artwork
Autofire is now default
Added enchanting shop
Bonus rooms can no longer appear in second room
Fixed bug with spell display not showing a questionmark when a modifier is placed after two arrows
Fixed bug where boar boss projectiles would spawn toward the center of the map
Added sweet blood to possible elite room curses
Fixed text moving if enemy curse was picked first
Fixed spell icons in tooltip sometimes not being centered
Increased minimum length of Long prefix
Firetrail performance improvements
Fixed a typo
Larve no longer trigger sweet blood
Fixed visual bug with starting a new game after abandoning a run
Slight price and damage nerf to shotgun shell
Some tooltip changes
Nail now triggers slower the faster it is moving instead of not triggering at all
Fixed being able to use swapping spells to move bound spells
Reworked multicast
Reworked teleport forward
Added dropshadows
All weapons once again trigger at all times
Fixed bee hp bar rotating with the bee
Fixed bee not facing in correct direction when first spawned
Added not enough gold error if attempting to make a purchase that cannot be afforded
Help questionmark stops growing and shrinking while the tooltip is being displayed
Dummies in shop now track and display damage per second
Added sensitivity to options
Coins move toward player upon round clear
Fixed fatterboar casting projectiles into center if it runs exactly into the corner
Fixed bug with stored hearts being placed in incorrect location in shop
Added heart bat
Fixed spells being casted when entering a new room
Increased catsle hp