Brick Breaker X: Deluxe
6 years ago

1.1.0 Update - New menu screen designs + some changes

Waiting for long? Well, wait no more because Brick Breaker X: Deluxe just got a very special update, just pretend that this is an early Christmas gift or something.

What’s up with the update?

A small number of changes, but one of them is the best that you’re ever seen. And the one shown below is the one.

Menu redesign

Well, I always think the previous menu background design is quite too weird at the moment, so I decided to do a slight redesign of the menu backgrounds. Now, it looks very similar to the background in the loading screen, replacing the weird RPG-looking backgrounds from Adventure Mode stages.

But they also looking very digital and futuristic, how about you guys?


This BG change also applies to the Records, Options and Get Online! screens. 👌

(And if you’re a Smash Bros. fan like myself, the menu animations will remind you of your Melee and Brawl memories 😉 and also Kirby Air Ride)

Main menu redesign

Among the menus, the main menu got the most special redesign! Now, the buttons in the main menu will fade from the top each time you enter it! The buttons are also look more organized comparing to the original arrangement.

Revamped help screen

You may know how hard can you use the help screen using the scroll wheel, don’t you? Well, good news, those problems should be gone, for now.


Now you don’t need to spam-roll your mouse wheel anymore, because the help screen is now separated into slides, very accessible on both control methods (dunno about Xbox analog stick yet but it should work too, I guess)

Got enough Orbs to unlock everything? Then no more for you!
Well, you need Orbs to unlock game modes, right? But what if you still collect Orbs when you already have all modes unlocked? Pretty useless since you can’t even use your extra Orbs in the Shop!

With that, the game will no longer spit Orbs from broken bricks once you collected all 40 Orbs as you play. (But I forgot to put a 40-limit to the Orb counter so if you already did it then oh well…)

Some small animation changes…

Well, you may see that the paddle now appears in a white glow as the game starts. It’s a very pleasing work for me, but it can be better, I hope.

That’s all, I guess

I hope you guys enjoy this update, but if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to tell me through the comments.



Next up

Ah dangit, I forgot to update about the returning puzzle buttons from the first game here

Here's a compilation of the videos I forgot to share about it, enjoy :D

(Notification banner is still WIP)

Once you release a Dropple, the game will notify you who you're saving

Yeah, simple as that

Refining the boss experience, the first boss now should be relatively more challenging now.

As well as the health bar for the boss! So you know how weak the boss is as you defeat them.

2 posts today because I can't stop forgetting about posting stuff on this platform

First, the most recent one, readable signs and change in atmosphere when one sector away from the boss

And again, I forgot to share the last clip I shared elsewhere

Map capsules that include the complete map data are hidden around one of the sectors of each location (the map was still unfinished as of the recording of the video)

And second, Yurelumis or ghosts that glow in the dark

They can help the player navigate dark areas like caves, which is where they'll appear

Brick Breaker X: Deluxe is coming in June 19th!

Shockwaves have returned from the first game!

But this time, they will be beneficial against stronger enemies or packs of weaker ones

Aaaaand of course I forgot to share my last progress before preparing for the most recent one

Anyway, Bunbunny from Smitty's Journey has been reworked for the sequel (and yes, you can pet it now)

Sorry for the lack of progress for the past few weeks, got preoccupied with some me time

Anyway, another helper creature... or whatever this thing is... let's call it a Gelpoline!