POPGOES Arcade (Outdated Free Version)
4 years ago

1.1.1 is out now! Fixes (hopefully) the last few bugs. More details in dev log.

POPGOES Arcade 2020 Edition version 1.1.1 is out now. This update fixes bugs that were mostly associated with the 1.1.0 update released earlier today.

Non-spoiler bug fixes:

- Fixed a small patch of flowers having some hitbox collision issues in The Garden

- Fixed the battle initiation effect having some weird layering issues with certain props

Mid-game spoiler bug fixes:

BB's Black Market:

- Fixed the "3" on the denominators on BB's Black Market hitlist UI having the wrong sprite

- Fixed the hitlist's counters resetting to 0 when completing them normally

- Fixed the hitlist's counters completely disappearing when buying an upgrade

- Fixed the Super Speed upgrade not being effective until after finishing a battle

- Equipping a shield will no longer prevent the player from using the Jump ability. In 90% of situations, Jumping while having a shield equipped is useless, but it does have an advantage in the final boss, so we have added this option.

- If you have a shield equipped when you defeat the final boss, the shield will disappear to make the end cutscene look nicer.

Thanks for playing, and reporting bugs! Also heads up, Dawko has started a POPGOES Arcade 2020 Edition series! First episode is up now:

- PA2020 Team




Next up

POPGOES Arcade released on Steam 2 years ago today!

A project I'm immensely proud of, for being the first Fanverse game I announced and released, as well as being the first Fanverse project to land on Steam!

I wouldn't call it "DLC" necessarily but a lot of people do... close enough!

POPGOES 8th Anniversary - Gone Fishing

(Reveal 3/4)

You want achievements? We've got achievements!

POPGOES Arcade has 37 of them, in fact. 20 for The Dead Forest, and 17 for The Machinist. Lots of extra challenges and easter eggs!

Wishlist POPGOES Arcade on Steam: #fnaf #popgoes

For anyone who missed it, here is a full VOD of Dawko playing the new demo of POPGOES Arcade!

(There's a surprise at 44:10 lmao)

You can now wishlist POPGOES Arcade on Steam!

And check out this trailer showing some of the new Premium additions!


If you haven't yet bought the full version of POPGOES Arcade, now's a good time! The game is currently on a -20% sale in celebration of Steam Scream Fest!

Get POPGOES Arcade:

It is happening again.

POPGOES Arcade is 25% off for Steam's Summer Sale.

$3.74 / £2.99 / €2,99

And with Fighting Chance on the way, now's a great time to get ready!


Someone found some bootleg FNAF merch, with a fanmade, original, Popgoes the Weasel render on the packaging. Definitely one of the more obscure Popgoes Promotions I've seen.

Found by /u/RappingPaper583 on Reddit