Hey guys, we've just published PA2020 version 1.1.3!
Non-spoiler fixes:
- The Corrupt Boar and his counterparts have been moved down in their battle frames to be more consistent with other enemy positions.
- Some enemies had poor coordinates for the "Pow!" attack effect which have been fixed.
Late-game spoiler fix:
- The Dig ability upgrades had some weird white boxes added behind the arrows in the Manora's Upgrades menu. These have been removed.
End-game spoiler fix:
- The animated cutscene when finishing the game at 100% progression has some very quiet arcade music playing in the background, on TOP of the music that is a part of the cutscene video. This music has been removed in 1.1.3.
However we're also aware of some additional issues that will be fixed in a quick update tomorrow. These being:
Non-spoiler issues:
- Stone refers to a snowman in the West Forest as a replica of Sara, when it's actually based on Saffron. This could be interpreted as a cute joke about how people (even Stone) get their names mixed around, but it's actually not lmao.
Spoiler issues:
- The buttons that appear when using the Shortcut ability refer to the East/Winter forest as the "East/Snowy" forest, and the West/Autumn forest as the "West/Amber" forest. These names are incorrect and they aren't consistent with the signs outside of the forests.
- The "Dig (Battle)" ability does not tell the player that the item retrieved via the ability will also be immediately consumed. The instant consumption factor of this ability was added in an update, but this description wasn't changed.
- The black artifacts that you collect during the "Save Bonnie" portion of the game are having some very weird, unintentional layering issues.
We will be fixing all of these issues in the next build, which I would honestly call if I could... but I can't, so it'll probably just be 1.1.4 haha.
Also just to let you guys know, I have been uploading the PA2020 soundtrack to YouTube this week. 8 songs out of 15 are available to listen to right now. Check out the playlist here!
- Kane