Okay, I know what I've said about 1.3, which was supposed to be the last patch, but I've found enough issues to update this game one more time. The underwhelming release of Security Breach inspired me only more with this final fix, with how much I wanted it to be a perfect game. I really think you don't mind me trying my hardest for this project and so now you see I've poured all my care into it. With that said, the actual final fixes are:
Fixed the Badge overlapping with Noo-Noo Easter Egg in the Custom Night Menu
Fixed Trumpet encounter with Tinky-Winky
Endless Mode trophies are 100% functionable now
Fixed Fade not appearing on 6 AM with Modern Style if Tinky-Winky entered your office while reaching that time
"I like paper clips" Easter Egg is not a thing on Nightmare Night anymore (it was not replaced by Custom Night honk either)
Nights 2 and 3 were tweaked in difficulty one last time
Nightmare Night jumpscares are better timed now
I don't know if I can make a heartwarming goodbye for this game, but I think updating it to make it perfect for the end will do. One last time I say, I will endlessly appreciate your reception of this small project of mine and will always remember how all this went. Thanks for playing and have great holidays! It's maybe done for me, but only for a bit. Till next we meet ;)