Five nights at Wario's: Diner's Return

2 years ago


Hey the build isn't done yet, but here's the menu, I honestly just love how it turned out

Btw I got the film static effect from a reshare of a scratch game called "Wario's Circus". it got deleted but it's back on gamejolt I think, I am unsure if it is the same game, but I am gona go play tubbyand 2 recoded now because I love trophies and FNaTL, but not as much as paperclips



Next up

Man I really wish I could be working on Diner's Return, anyways here is the first ever screenshot of Diner's Return vs the most recent screenshot, what a massive glow up

Light remote showcase (The canonical explanation for why the blue light button shuts off the lights is because of a bug, but the non-canonical reason is because this is the best light remote image I could find and it's also conveniently placed)

to celebrate 50 followers, have a random story spoiler with no context

and to celebrate finishing the AI, have another game screenshot

and also for reaching 1000 views, have a screenshot of the unfinished custom night menu for WarioWare mode

A new coat of paint.

(The unedited room images were provided by @SuperEggGaming , the cameras button, remote button, and camera buttons were made by me, I also edited the room images)

Welcome back to the endgame, Five Nights at Tubbyland 3 Recoded is coming soon, it'll be a small thing to enjoy while waiting for my other stuff, also, most of the gameplay is done

Stay tuned (No morse code or secrets this time, sorry)

Fun Fact:

This is a scrapped cutscene that was in the original Tubbyland 3 MFA, I don't really know where I would fit this in the recode to be honest, also, it feels a bit off when compared to the others, also, idk what the final bit of dialogue in it is.

Progress is going very will, I'm not entirely sure how much stuff is left, but it's not a lot, I'll try and add screenshots to the page soon

Here's more stuff I have done for Diner's Return (flashing lights warning)