Kau Strzau

3 months ago

1.9.4 beta is out !

After almost a year we finally made some progress:

We added xp and ranks gaining which allows to unlock skins and more.

Check in-game changelog or discord server for more news!



Next up

v1.9b plans: -animations -story mode -upgrades (skill tree?) -different backgrounds -(more music?) -profile system -minigames(Story Mode but casual) -more achievements and some minor stuff as well Lets see how much time it will take :P

Good day I was lazy I am not now Starting to work at 1.9 again :))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Beta 1.9.2 is almost done We are just finishing some stuff, we're gonna test it a bit and it should be out soon.

Looks good imo Your thoughts?


sooo uhm with a Pause Menu your fingers can rest and you can just do infinite runs now

Feel free to beat it in 1.8, idk
