2 Which should probably first ^^"
Faline Tree1
has aphids (used GoogleTranslate)
and I believe I had seen some at Stumpsons too but Idk.. so I learned in School(Biology class)
one of the few legit helpful things that ants and aphids work together in a way and since there was 1 ant on Faline with the aphids I knew that's bad and look for what to do against them and found something I wanna tell you in a later post because I forgot what it called TwT it's a plant you have to cook then let it cool off and spay your plats with and it will keep a bunch of bad stuff away
3 WE HAVE TWO MORE TREES!!! 10 and 11 are there but you gotta wait until I uploaded the past posts and todays post
@MichaelMayonnaise maybe you could help me remember to upload them before I get to make the schedule for my uploads of my trees ^^"
so sorry for how confusing this posts probably is ^^"
Just want to give you all the info ya need and let you know that I NEED MORE NAMES!!! please be a bit creativ and remember they don't need to be plant related names