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Nightmares are joining in...
"If you look at them hard enough, you will notice, they were never there"
Its been a long time, I got some stuff done
56% voted for Revealing the voicelines, will prepare a video for that soon...
Character Voice reveal Dropping tommorow STAY TUUNED !! (little preview).
New Menu Theme is out, listen to it in the game soundtrack, and comment if you like it or not :) (also new thumbnail !)
some candy would be nice... :)
"Its body was smaller than usual, not enough to deal any damage, so I put a bomb on it and well, its a menace now"
went quiet for a bit, well school pulled me in for a couple of weeks that's why lol, the game is still in development tho, endless mode is in the works, here is a little peek.
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