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Pim has something to tell you
I made this mini steering wheel for my Joy con, it's not too uncomfortable but it's a little difficult to use
a strange and slightly scary coincidence at the same time
Visto che non ho niente da fare ecco a voi un video che avevo nella galleria (@F4VA-BREATHES-AIR tu che odi il balletto tattico, quel video lo avevo nella galleria quando giocavo a rebles)
#FanArtFriday I don't want to draw today
The amazing digital Memasik!
@F4VA-BREATHES-AIR @AUDI_S4B5 @Cimmiaroll @AMONGCHAD-and-BOB @MajinTeo
(that trollface is bubble)
#Costume well on Halloween I'll just eat a pizza with a friend of mine and play bowling so I don't care too much about costumes, I'll just wear this little mask
Cringe meme I made
Memasik Falls:Intro
I unlocked luigi lol, now it's wario's turn