Hello everyone,
I don't usually post a drop of serious content on here since that's not really my thing. However, due to the high class celebratory occasion of "Spawn Day" I thought I would take the chance to reflect on my time here.
I'd like to take a moment to thank the real ones who have been here since Five Nights at Kittys and Y0L0! Runner, without beautiful productions such as these, I would not be where I am now.
But where am I today?
I'm not so sure myself.
I've toyed with different game engines, programming languages, and operating systems. I've made many prototypes for many different things. I've picked away at the endless amount of props needed for whatever that end up in whatever. I've made contributions to many games that aren't my own like Treasure Island, Oblitus Casa, and dumb bullshit like Five Nights at Obama V. On Luminance, I've been leading the development for Rat Race with SussLord. Those who know me as a developer can now see why that game has taken so long for anything to come out of it.
However, you may be asking "Who the hell are you as a developer?"
After ten years, I can actually answer this. I'm someone who takes pride in my work, with my inner critic being my worst enemy. The genuine content I want to make, hasn't been made yet due to being busy with my personal life, other projects, or very high standards.
This leads into my 5-8 year update on Some Nights at Raz's 2. The idea of a bigger and better Five Nights at Kittys/Some Nights at Raz's game is origin point for my deeper interest into this passion and my critical nature. I can safely say my interest in Five Nights at Freddy's started to peter out around the release of the fourth game and fully crashed in 2018. I never wanted Some Nights at Raz's 2 to be some disposable fan game based on a horror franchise that lost it's luster a very long time ago. The experimental seeds of Raz's 2 have since been planted in the many contribution projects I have worked on since. One day, I hope to see my fully formed mutated cancer baby spread it's wings alone and fly off into the sunset.

In the meantime, I have many experiments to conduct and also Rat Race to eventually finish. Thank you for reading and have good day.