Divided to sections like last post because it's nicer
Since this was our own take on TRTF, this meant we had to replace/remove animatronics like Kitty Fazcat, Fang, etc and replace them with completely original characters or previous/scrapped TRTF characters. Frankburt/Lockjaw gets to stay.
For "Frankburt's Scurvy Crew", we ended up with Frankburt, Buster the Rabbit, Dug the Dog and Sugar the Cat. (including the beast/"Daisy")
... But wait! There's more crews! One was the "The Healers"; Ty, Sally, Koly. This had some kind of lore reason, having Fazbear INC. collaborate with Zephyr Innovations. (Gilbert Facility) to promote the Save The Kids project.
Next up was the "Dreamy Butterflies"; Gift (the morpho butterfly), Lexie (the deer), Blair (the witch goat... get it????? GET I-) and finally, some sort of... kobold? It was KIND of like one.
... You can see why we reduced it only to Frankburt's Scurvy Crew and added a few characters such as Golden Frankburt and others. It would've been chaotic to manage all animatronics at once. It was a four player "TRTF co-op game", not 50/20 UCN.
The iconic quartet! Charles Schultz, Thompson Armstrong, Riley Lambert and Gavin Spencer.
For this game, I wanted Charles to play a bigger role instead of being a "side character." - He went to GoldieParaDiner with his father, Peter Schultz (Grön Takaliken) which made him want to follow his father's footsteps and work for Fazbear INC. when he grw up.
Thompson, Riley and Gavin are purely original characters with either tragic or random backstories for picking up the job (Need to pay for Super Cancer treatment for family member, wants to become a singer, etc.)
And, oh yeah—there's also the apparition of Lynda that would appear at random times. Spooky.
And there was this one bird inside the pizzeria which if you got close, it would ALWAYS bite your hand. Had a sign on it saying "Silly Detector."
Now, let's talk about Mr. Bäirren himself; we ditched his "red sweater and jeans" look for a guy that wears a white and red suit that matches his fedora.
Think of it as a "less crazy" version of The Dreadful Truth, you've got Alison torturing employees, Peter Schultz and Vincent Schmidt (yes you know who it is, the son of Mike Schmidt) murdering children to get back at Alison—you get the point.
Yes, I'll bring this up again because this was kind of wholesome: Charles often brought an origami of a white bunny to work because it reminded him of his mother—Lynda. It would keep him sane, even at the worst times. He would still remember his mother and father, including brother—even after their deaths or departure.
Carson Schultz was a thing, don't you worry! When the game originally was going to have day-shifts, he would randomly appear as a "customer" of sorts. Carson would snoop around the place—which one of your crew either had the choice to let him do his thing or throw him out the pizzeria for "breaking the rules." But still, he was a thing... even in story.
Also, what's an Afton?
Let me tell you a little secret...
Do tasks and survive until [hour], get paid.
Oh yeah, you could also drag the bodies of your friends when they died and put them in a Zephyr Innovations. machine to save yourselves from getting less money just because someone thought it was a good idea to go to the generator with nobody else and no handheld camera.
There were no minigames because we had no idea how such thing would work in a co-op game like this. Ideas were thrown, such as "One person controls the character, others watch the person play the minigame" and "People take turns The Dark Pictures style"—so what we had instead was a couple of cutscenes. I'll be focusing on the day-time ones, because those were kind of cool ideas actually.
Not much to say about this one. Maybe. Alison Bäirren introduces the crew to the place they will be working at; Frankburt's Pizza. Before Alison goes away, he says "Also, do NOT call me Phone Guy. I hate that nickname, and if I hear it one more time—one of you is gonna end up on the... err... I mean, you're fired."
Basically I, and some... nobodies know of this never-made cutscene. It was just... written. I, being the writer—wanted to add some "funny/whatever" moments into the game because it "wouldn't hurt."
Thus, this one was born; we all know how it goes... Get ready to read this with a straight face.
So, the "Fazfools Crew" are on the dining room near the stage and stuff. Sugar is the center of the stage today singing some oldies with the crew; Sugar finishes her show, announcing that they have a special show now coming up! For it, they'll have to select an audience member.
... You know where this goes. It's Riley. The Fazfools stare at her with smiles on their face, having known eachother's stories. Maybe, just maybe... She could have a chance at singing again?
So, Riley walks up to the stage to where Sugar is—scared and anxious all around. It's VERY much clear that she doesn't wanna do this. What if she messes up like last time?
They sing "You Are My Moonlight" (song we came up when the game was named TRTF: Moonlight) - Riley has a few misses here and there due to all the stage fright, but Sugar just keeps encouraging and reassuring her that "she'll do it!" with a few giggles.
Anyway, they finish the song—Sugar turns to Riley just as she is about to go back to the Fazfools and says, straight to her one last time; "I look forward to seeing you on the stage again, Sugar." Riley gets flustered, and runs off to somewhere in the pizzeria.
Now... I don't know wherever to "what" or think "dude this is straight up golden." Up to you, I guess.
Charles meets Carson. Charles asks him if he has contact with Jackson, calls him up—both Charles and Jackson start arguing about whose fault it was for "the day that mom died." The usual drama ensues as Gavin and Thompson get popcorn.
"Please Like And Subscribe For More TRTF Yuri"
— Scou1yy, the NiteLantern guy