Project LIAR

5 years ago


Game's in early dev, yet so many people talk bout how excited they are!

I'm honored. Your joy keeps it going. Tell your pals! Show this off! I can't wait to give y'all an amazing mystery game!!!!


By the way, I mentioned last time that this would be posted on Sunday. A technical error, whoopsie. Peter just refuses to keep the computers in good condition in the Lovely Estate, like everything else....

Again. 100 followers when it's still in early development? Y'all are great.

And yup, the project includes a new face! He'll be introduced sometime soon.....



Next up

Tune your TV often.

The walls are thin.

He might hear you. =]

For all his flaws, Peter wouldn't enforce rent on people who he KNOWS cannot possibly make money right now. Got in real early on social distancing too. Remember to wash your hands, be careful, and avoid groups!

Jonas is as likeable as the rest of 'em.

Enjoy your stay. =]

Its ready to play! Go open the doors and bother everyone inside!

A Who I See / LIAR Community just arrived!

No one invited you to this cesspool, but that's never stopped you, has it?

Questions? Theories? Fanart? LPs? Dump em in here! Talk w/ each other! Wear eerie grins! Answer the poll! =}

Alice only has good intentions.

What about that other person?

Find out with THE LOVELY ESTATE.


Analog horror comedy mystery, PS1 aesthetic, out just for you.

A similar premise to Who I See - but this game goes off the rails and there are many new secrets for you to find.

Smile =]

Well! The decade is ending.

We can hope that there will be a better decade, full of sunshine and love!

Alice certainly sees as much through her eyes.

But what she forgets is that we must work to make it so.

By the way: A special post is coming tomorrow.

Is it bad to think of something better?

In Project LIAR, each witness has their own memory of the Lovely Estate, distorted by their own biases.

But. You don't know. It could have an open sky & bubblegum walls. Maybe Alice is telling the truth????? Hm???

Everything’s so magical when you’re a kid. You understand too little and too much. Play THE LOVELY ESTATE, chapter one, and do a little magic for a kid.

Or whatever passes for magic. =]

Play now!

A child's eyes see so much under the grime.

Solve a mystery through the twisted perceptions of some twisted folks in a twisted place, in....Project LIAR!

Not final. Dang I love working on these :)

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