Thank you so much for just over 1000 followers. I never expected this to get that many.
Also SURPRISE!! The withereds are finished and are now available!
Just a couple of things I need to say:
The fonts for the withereds are different to the rockstars. The reason being i seem to have lost the original font. I plan on replacing the rockstars font or maybe even just using different font for different sets of characters. So sorry if the different fonts annoy some people.
Please bear with the jumpscares, it is going to be quite some time before I can animate decent jumpscares for the game myself. I will replace them when I can.
Rockstar Bonnie now gives a generous amount of time to use the guitar. If you still can't beat it then it is no longer the game's fault ; )
Withered Chica's attack timer continues to deplete by about 1 sec before resetting after you give her a cupcake. Meaning if you don't give it to her quick enough the timer can still reach 0 and result in a jumpscare. I will fix this if it becomes to much of a problem.
That's all I can think of or now. Thanks for playing and supporting my game!