Omnia Engine

4 years ago

12/12/20 Omnia Engine v0.5.0

Major Update


-A physical ice block tile, smoke particles, a floating box and circle, and a super fast-moving tile.

-Compressed the tilesets to make them smaller and less intrusive on the screen.

-A master volume controller.

-A ragdoll gore system.

-The ability to reset the scene with R.

-Easter egg somewhere far away.

-Ability to toggle fullscreen and windowed mode.

-Ability to control volume with a slider.

-Overhauled the time settings with a slider from 0-10.


-The list of the menu assets to be organized into similar elements.

-The menu scene assets to be updated to the newer ones.

-The properties of the ragdoll itself to improve its stability.

-The menu placement to be more fit.



Next up

New sandbox physics game in early access. Everything is destructible into fragments and some things can be burned.

Large update coming this week. It will add a new player with customizable features, health, and weaponry. This will take a while but I wanted to showcase the biggest supporters of the game and have been helping me so much.

@EngineerTF2 @RagingPotato1

[6/9/21] Bitverse [v0.4.0]

[6/8/21] Bitverse [v0.3.0]

12/13/20 Omnia Engine v0.5.1

Patch update


[6/14/21] Bitverse [v0.5.1]

12/13/20 Omnia Engine v0.5.2

Patch update (Note: The gif shows an older version of the gore.)

New sandbox physics game in early access. Everything is destructible into fragments and some things can be burned.

[6/11/21] Bitverse [v0.4.1]