Where to begin with this one..?
It’s definitely been a while since we’ve last posted a devlog..
We’ve made some progress since the first progress update, so..
Movement has been improved rather significantly since the last update- with the addition of a redone quitting system, the in-game menu is still a bit of a work in progress, it is not in a state where i can share screen shots, collisions are a thing now, you can collide with whatever has collisions and walk over whatever does not.
Quite a bit of progress here, folks!
We’ve gotten the battle buttons ready to go thanks to the wonderful sprite work of Deveus03!

Not only this, but Frisk has gone under numerous changes since work has started on TG!FELL

Rather than just re-using undertale dialogue sounds and music and calling it a day, we’re making new dialogue sounds and more importantly- music!
I’m also going to put a friendly reminder right here-
Applications are still open! We’re currently in need for composers, if you’d like to apply, please visit the link below: