And it's of course, creating official teasers for my future mascot parody horror games based around the events and universe of Jax Justun Studios!!!! I mean, yeah sure, I'd done tons of teaser posters for mostly of my future FNAF parody games, but not the ones based around the parody mascot horror games!!! And yes, I'd coded/named it as for the #13thJJSgameParody because well, that speaks for itself!!!!
Sadly though, there's not a whole lot in this teaser poster here, but that's how it goes with these kinds of teasers and everything!!! We have to show off only a small amount of things for each of our games and everything!!! Anyways folks, that's all for now, stay tuned for some more future updates and see you all next time!!!! #TheLordAdminsINCOMING!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #FinalPartWhereAllBegan!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!