Club Presidents Funkin' (FNF Club Presidents Club)
3 years ago

15 follower special, revealing the name of a bonus song:

Not An Idiot

if you can guess what the song is based on/the opponent, you get more leaks

edit: not sure i made it clear but you're supposed to guess in the comments of this post

hint: the entire mod is based on yandere simulator or media based on it, in this case the second



Next up

wanna work on my fnf mod

@FunnyGuyWhoMakesOkArt is doing art on it

j o i n

never let me get bored again

writing is my passion

Happy halloween 🎃

Hope you like!!

sorry if it's a small drawing

something fast

i can't find the original of this fuckass meme anywhere

i haven't done this in a while, so i will

who wants to work on this mod? we need people!

we will accept anybody unless you're a jerk

list of people we need in the article

drawing of GF B3

hope you like! ✨