
1 year ago

1987 Followers! We're having a QnA!

Ask Questions here, I'll answer them! (Sad news is that there will be no October 2023 Devlog).

Hey Everyone! I'm so glad that we reached 1987 followers because...

  1. FNaF Reference

  2. So many people are excited about this game

The team and I have been working hard on this game for a while now. I, however, cannot release a devlog this month due to the small amount to show. I've also been working on college assignments and mid-terms this month which has stressed and tired me out as much as it did. Apart from that, I've been still thinking about the fight scenes (attack variations, enemy attacks, blocking) and I'll be sure to present what's been added/fixed to the game either in November or December.

As of now, I'm opening a QnA for you guys if you have any questions about the game, the team, and various other things! I'll be sure to answer as much as I can or as much as I'm able to answer without spoiling much



Next up

Here's the re-rendered Overworld Walk and Run cycles with the proper arm and leg movements (i.e. Right Arm goes back, Right Leg goes forward). Very sorry for not noticing months prior of them being animated.

I've finally finished up redoing the main Night (Tower Def.) UI, as a lot of people had problems reading things wrong or didn't understand the generators.

Currently WIP of the Tycoon Section UI so far (View Mode not worked on yet).

Biggest thing that needed improvement was having the user actually use other draw options and have better ways to find all the items, decor, and animatronics in one mode.


Currently working on UI improvements + Pizzeria name changes

Rat Race Production Update

Character updates!

For REGLITCHED people, Merry Christmas.

Characters designed by @Ayliminum


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

Also for people wondering, I did make Control Settings for you to change the inputs of the game to buttons on your keyboard or mouse.

Many people were having issues where they couldn't get inputs to work (I think it's cause of unicode key inputs)