Attack on Rabbit
9 years ago

#1GAM Postmortem March – April


I will make a series of post about my #1GAM experience; how it went and what it gave me. After I decided to continue working on Spacecraft I discovered that I was kind of bad at programming games. The architecture of the game was horrible and very hard to continue working with. I needed more experience. Thus I took the #1GAM challenge – to create one game per month for one entire year. I played around mostly with Unity 3D but also some Unreal Engine and pure C. I also developed for some gaming accessories, like Microsoft Kinect and Novint Falcon. This is the story of how it went.

March 2015

Skeletal Dance Simulator

Skeletal Dance Simulator is a cute physics based Necromancer simulator. The goal of the game is to defend your dance party at all costs! This was initially done within only 5 days but I returned to it several times after that, making it even better. It all started with that I wanted to play around with ragdolls made using MagicaVoxel, I later discovered that you could make them dance by dragging them around like in Garry’s Mod for Half Life.


  • Passed Steam Greenlight.

  • Got a lot of Let’s Players attention.

  • Got featured on Gamejolt’s first page.

  • Got 4/5 review by Softpedia.

  • Got a Kill Screen article.


  • Unity 3D

  • MagicaVoxel

April 2015

Attack on Rabbit

A first person flight cyberpunk flight simulator for Oculus Rift DK1. Made during Spring Game Jam 2015 and the theme was Disruptive and Rabbits. Goal of the game is simple: bunnies are having a party, ruin it!

Background is that I had access to an Oculus DK1 during my master thesis. To familiarize myself with it I borrowed it over the weekend and made this game.


  • Got featured in WEARVR Weekly Top 10.


  • Oculus Rift DK1

  • Joystick

  • Unity 3D

  • Blender 3D

Read full post here…



Next up

I am super happy to tell you that the Halloween update I've been working on since summer is finally released! In skeletal dance party your goal is to host a dance party for your skeletons.. that party is now threatened by zombies!

During the summer me and friends made a game inspired by The Little Red Riding Hood.

You team up with the wolf, one of the elements is a leash. It was really fun to experiment with different puzzle designs for that.

Ready to party?

Now web build is fixed!

Little Red Adventure 1.4.10 is released.

- New jump sound for Little Red

- Death sound to enemies.

During the summer me and friends made a game inspired by The Little Red Riding Hood.

The result was a very comfy and pretty polished puzzle platformer containing all the classical elements; boxes, levers, gates and wolfs...

Little Red Adventure 1.4.8 is released. It features less wolf bugs and more polished story.

During the summer me and some other developers made Little Red Adventure.

It is a new twist on the story where you team up with the wolf and the collaboration between you two is the main game mechanic.

Made a game about sneezing on people.