Hey, all!
We want to take this time to say thank you to every single one of you for all the love and support you’ve been showing us and our work of late. At the end of the day, you are the driving force that keeps us going - we want to craft the best experience we can for you!
With that, we’ve got a HUGE milestone coming up - our Lead Animator and 3D Artist will be attending the Game Developer Conference 2016 in San Francisco next month, advertising the game. It’s worth noting that, as a non-funded project, we cannot afford a booth and so you’ll have to keep a lookout for the man in an Overtale shirt ;)
On top of that, we will be entering private playtesting stages to demo the game at that time! You’ll be able to apply for Playtesting roles soon.
Furthermore, we’re also exploring the possibility of attending either the i58 or i60 Insomnia Gaming Festival in Birmingham, UK to exhibit the project’s development.
We hope to see some of you at both events! More updates will be on the way soon.
- The OVERTALE Dev Team :)