3 years ago

1st and second form... @HyperWaveSpeedNinjaBr The lore in the *mod* he's struggling with suicidal thoughts and BF runs into him after fighting and Beating @TheGreenSpider

BF tries to convince him not to do it... and the lose cutscene show's him- ARTICLE

Shooting himself if you win it shows a picture of him getting ice cream with BF and GF (Also GF will have the scared sprite as there's a person about to kill themselves)



Next up

UNCANCELLED!!!!!!! even if Green Spider is banned its fine!

Pokémon Archaic And Mosaic. This Pokémon Fangame is gonna be set in the Dampalia region based on Australia gonna post these once a day. 1-Starters

Uhhhh... Some one hacked my freinds acount and faked me!

Pebble :)

You should check out this horrible album I made I guess (Its free!) https://mrbrainmattermusic.bandcamp.com/album/clowns-in-love throw me a follow or a like 2 pls

Development Update - I'm Going To Take A Break So... Onto The Updates Also Thanks To @TheGreenSpider And @CaptainHyperWave For There Help But Most Importantly Thanks To Everyone Following And Helping This Project

King of The slime Incident (Haven't drawn in a while sry in advance)

My sister's puppy