So, I've finally began to work on the game once more. And for some odd reason, I've decided I want to change the sprites used by the chao ingame. I'm also planning some re-balances too. It'll be done when it's done. But the changes that have been made so far have been listed below.
The Changes So Far:
Neutral Chao and Hero Chao have received new sprites for when on the map. They were done by me. It's why Neutral Chao looks stoned. (Dark Chao and the others have not been done yet as of this post)
Neutral Chao Garden has been overhauled to look a little more faithful. I think. Probably not. It looks nice at least.
Removed all Non-SEGA songs except for "You are a Pirate" from Lazy Town & "Scheming Weasel" by Kevin Macleod. I'll mostly stick to Sonic Songs for the replacements though. It is technically a Sonic Fangame after all. "You Are a Pirate" is staying because Neutral Chao's only personality trait is being a debauchery boi and being a douche.
During the game, you could fight bosses that enter a pinch phase. This pinch phase usually comes with higher pitched music. Some instances (mostly the True Final Bosses) have had the pitch increase of the music removed.
Old Spice quest, and by extension the Golden Dark Chao boss fight and the Gotten Gud Blessing have been removed. I feel it trivializes the game too much after a hard boss fight. Also it's kinda far too simple in the overall terms of things. Get Dark Chao, get Terry Crews Chao, talk to Hero Aquamarine, go talk to Dark Onyx, obligatory Old Spice joke, fight Golden Dark Chao, talk to Aquamarine again and bam, got gud. Only thing actually hard is fighting Golden Dark Chao. Don't expect it to be obtainable in this particular update. Although it won't be gone forever. The Golden Dark Chao boss battle will comeback eventually, just in a different place.
Possible Upcoming Balance Changes:
While there's no solid plans yet. I have a few things in mind that need to be changed.
Hero's Shield and Heroic Paladin (plus two Bulk Ups) seem to synergise well. Too well actually, as it can make HBP Chao nigh-unkillable. While it's powerful and requires set-up, it only requires two chao involved. Keep in mind that Hero's Shield goes first every turn.
I'm looking into making Zeta a bit easier to deal with. Probably lower it's damage or something.
The ZX Ball, Spikeball and Halo can drop from nuts currently. With the type depending on the garden you face them in. It's actually possible to get them in the early game. I'm thinking about locking these away in the Chao Cave. With higher drop rates of course to balance out the fact that they're in the "Final Dungeon" of the game.
I'm still planning a few things out, and I hope it'll be satisfactory. Or at least better than 1.0.2 anyway.
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