Updated snowdin sky.
Retiled Flower Village from scratch.
Updated the target icon to its 2.7.9 sprite.
Increased Snowdin snowfall slightly and snow will now have already fallen a bit before you enter snowdin.
Fixed a LOT of depth issues.
Redid every skinpack from scratch to hopefully fix any inconsistencies between them.
Updated Lucas's sprite and replaced Classic Ness with Claus on the earthbound skin pack
Player collision tweaks to be more accurate.
Added Papyrus boss to offline.
One of the nametag fonts has been improved (/nametags 2)
improved a ton of custom character sprites.
Updated UI menus that contain images of updated areas.
Master sword pulling sequence adjustments.
Fixed lostspirit paths to match with the new lost woods.
Changed login menu color to red.
Changed a rude command to use less harmful language.
Other bug fixes.