Completely revamped the Skin Pack system from scratch, allowing for Skin Packs to automatically be compatible with updates.
Skin Packs will be included with the main download, except for the Omori pack which has yet to be ported. (The old one will remain on the page until iporting is complete.
Removed the grey pixels on all fonts (Might still be present in some menus).
Fixed the How to play cutscene using the incorrect characters sometimes.
Revamped ThunderSnail visuals.
Battle transitions no longer force the player to face downwards, and the soul goes to the fight button more accurately now.
Fixed a depth issue with a few menus appearing under the player or under the battle box.
Updated Snowdin snow to more closely resemble 2.8's snow.
Removed an object that locks you in place for a few seconds when entering a room (Due to the improved room transitions, it is no longer needed).
More improvements to room transitions, changing a few specific instances where the old ones were still used.
Added a shadow effect to the throne room.
Changed the music that plays in the throne room.
Fixed a bug that would cause text to turn red on the welcome computer sometimes.
Snow wont take forever to fall in the void if the Christmas event is active.
Slight improvements to a lot of rooms and sprites.
Re-added the secret lab teleport in the void (It's the only way to get there in offline apparently...)
Added Skins, and emoting/tposing to offline.
NPC's will no longer mistake you for the wrong character, unique interactions are restricted to the DONTFORGET Skin Pack.
Revamped the entire cell menu system to allow for custom souls, as well as adjustments to other menus to actually use custom souls.
Added various QoL options including: Master volume, autorun, and a lot of commands now have menu toggles for easier access.
Removed a line of dialog in the Hall of Fame that is no longer needed.
Changing skins no longer teleports you to the room entrance.
You can now change your skin in the lab.
Added the ability to port your online save to offline from the giant monitor in the lab. (It will be turned on in online mode).
Legacy Omori Skin Pack patch notes:
Fixed a bug where the master sword interaction was difficult to reach
Next up
Little more progress on the skin menus for the skinpacks!
HighFlyer has also managed to add skins to offline mode! Gold Frisk (or any similar skins) in offline mode will require you to be LV 10, rather than the first skin requiring a Skin level of 10 simply because skin levels don't exist in offline mode.
OMORI in the style of Undertale/Deltarune
The absolute GOD of Hyperdeath.
Coding is mostly done, all thats left is testing and bugfixing. For now here is a preview on custom souls, You'll be able to choose to use your own soul, or to use your vessels soul instead. (And yes, it finally works on most, if not all, relevant menus.)
New Earthbound sprites which will be used on the new DFR Undernet.
Progress is coming along smoothly, Highflyer seems to have gotten multi-SkinPacks mostly functional for your own player at least.
Lucas, Varik and Clauses Undernet sprites are ready. (Mother 3 Spoilers for Claus, go to comments to see the sprite)
The Holiday event is currently active!