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added 2 trophies
i dont think the "sick" trophies work and i dont wanna fix it because i need sleep
because it doesn't work i'll just tell you how to get it: dont die :D
edit: works it does
also i added a way to go back to the platformer
how did i get here
2.1.0 speedrun.
3 minutes and like 12 seconds i forgort
i do not recommend doing this (mainly because clicking something 1000 times (and having to do it fast) is actually painful)
i love gamejolt guys gamejolt is so cool i love gamejolt it is so cool all the new features they add are so fun i love quests i love joltbux gamejolt is so cool i love microtransactions in what's supposed to be a plaec to post games i love gamejolt i love
he is a moving ball