1 year ago

2.2 IS OUT

What is NEW IN 2.2?

New Icons (+700)

New Locked icon screen

New Level DASH

The Tower


The Map, Events and Versus mode will come in 2.21

New List

User thing hase a little update

The book by the you levels is you list (IDK for what it is)

New search thing

also a picture from one of those lists

New chests (604 in total)

New shops

and the SAFE for daily and weekly levels

i show just last things in the pictures from the editor

debug draw mean you can now show all of the hit boxes in the editor

Preview Animations- Saw, Item coins and user coins will spin and if you touch item coins and user coins they get collected like in normal Game play

and new BG and that stuff

Also this was the Update and if Moderators can move this post in the announcement channel if they want just you dont have to do it!



Next up

I am back and try to NOT despawn so random


So I finished this layout yesterday in GD, it's a desert themed demon (hard/insane around there). I did get lazy at some spots, but that's fiiinnneeeee. Looking for decorators, if not I'm cool just showing off the layout lmao. Had fun making it tho

Hello my friends | INFO for Christmas 2024 | btw i have 24 friends

first part of the first wave in tidal wave


It seem like i am BACK!!! and it feels great to be back

Sorry @Salee but i have to post the reaction video tomorrow but i made this for you :) i think i am still good as befor!

I made some simple Geometry Dash Icons in blender!

I react on a 10 min. playlist off @Salee | it was funny to watch :)