2 bosses done, now working on the shop and new maps.
The first full BETA verzion is coming!
Thanks @popipopopi for the help with sprites!
And thanks Xary for DirX and launcher help.
Next up
:) (Tiny spoilers ahead)
Nice news! I reduced game data size from 98MB to only 23MB!
New battle system is being made
Today's update:
[[Read article]]
LSTVGaming has been officially launched 30.10.2021! Thanks to everybody who joined the event and thanks to all members of our community!! Welp, let's get to it everyone B)
Remastered wpage
Hi! I know that ive been gone for a long time - I have been focusing on projects other than games. But, I decided to give it a try again - I'm working on a Undertale fangame engine: https://github.com/the-lstv/undertale Also, here is a small peek on my former project!