Since i’m only announcing menus i figured that these things are sorta boring and you guys really want to get into the new stuff. When these pictures were taking the new stuff were not added yet so EM is going to look like it’s missing something and that is because it is but without any more delay here is Extrememodes

So you guys can see that it’s more larger, there isn’t no confusion of things anymore, 6 is being added in this update but when this was taken it wasn’t finished yet

This is the menu to get to the crossovers, isn’t it exciting?? No? okay sorry. we won’t show you what each menu looks like because what’s the point? it looks the same as before.
So that’s all the menus. Our next post will announce the first new gamemode coming this update, it should be announced soon as it’s almost finished. As is the update, and we think you guys are really going to enjoy it when it comes out and we also can’t wait to see how high of scores you guys can get in the game :)