Hello everyone, here’s a little progress update on the new demo since we want to keep you informed and up to date with the game :)!
First up!
We organised progress internally a lot more, we’re now using a “Trello” board to keep track of progress and to hand out work to the team members.
So that means things will move much more fluidly from now on!
Now, what remains to be done and what is finished.
What has been finished so far
The opening cutscene has been remade
70’sNight 2 has been finished
The Puppetmaster’s Investigation Mini-Night has been made more complex with the addition of flashlight uses and charging
Fredbear’s AI has been made more forgiving by allowing longer times between moving and starting later in the night.
The basics for the new point and click system has been laid out.
What we yet have to do
Finish and polish the new point and click system
Create some new mini-puzzles for opening doors and the likes
Create new puzzles and levels using the new system
Re-make investigation 2 using the new system
Finish Investigation 2’s Mini-Night
I hope this clears some things up! We don’t know when we can release the new demo, we were hoping for this month but since it’s finals week and the likes we might have to delay that. We’ll see!
Thanks for being patient :D!