Sonic Infinity Engine - Grand Metropolis
5 years ago

(2) Of course, this project is still not perfect (and most likely never will be). But despite this, I read a lot of positive reviews! Not without negative ones. Some don't like one thing, while others like it.

1 comment


Next up

You can manually reset your collection of Chaos Emeralds by deleting this file. C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\MugenEngine\Saved\SaveGames In the next versions, I will try to make the corresponding button on the options menu.

(1) Version 1.1.1 added! Perhaps this is the final update... Starting with the first version 1.0.0, I fixed a lot of "critical" bugs, textures are now displayed correctly (see GIF), and also added new elements, such as pause.

The new version 1.0.2 is already available for download!

Road and Lava materials

Options confirmed? 🛠️

The stage is optimized, now your video card will feel better :3

Vegetation 🌳🍃

Fixed some of the graphic bugs, the patch will be soon...

Bandana Dee the Dream Friend