Can be killed by:Vampire Hunter
Can't be killed by:Impostors, Pleaguebearer, Witch
Win Conditions
1 vampire v.s 1 crewmate
2 vampires v.s 2 crewmates
3 vampires v.s 3 crewmates
1-3 vampire v.s nobody
~Role Description~
The Vampire can bite other crewmate aligned roles except for the vampire hunter to convert them into Vampires. If the Vampire bites an impostor aligned or neutral aligned role, the victim dies. If the Vampire bites the Vampire Hunter, the Vampire just dies.
The Vampire can have a max army of 3 vampires. Once the army is maxed out, then all vampire bites are deadly.
Even with a full army, only the first vampire can bite anyone.
A wooden steak is the ONLY thing that can kill you. Meaning that if anyother role tries to kill you, they just get bit.
~Vampire Hunter~
Can be killed by:Impostors, Pleaugebearer, Witch
Can't be killed by:Vampires
Win Conditions:
2-6 Crewmates v.s Nobody
Has to Kill
~Role Description~
You are able to use your steak on anybody, but the steak has no effect on anybody accept for vampires. If the Vampire Hunter uses his steak on a vampire, the vampire dies. You are able to use your steak on somebody as many times as you want.
There can only be 1 vampire hunter ever.
What do you think of these roles?